菲利普·科洛特·玛萨奈《Les Grases Tetes》
菲利普·科洛特·玛萨奈《Les Grases Tetes》
Minimum Order 6 . Order in lots of 6
90 分,约翰·吉尔曼 (John Gilman),《地窖视野》,2022 年 1 月。
这款葡萄酒散发出纯正的芳香,带有黑樱桃、甜黑莓、野禽、生可可、土壤基调的细腻香气和烟熏前调。这款葡萄酒口感明亮、醇厚、集中而复杂,具有可爱的核心、出色的透明度和后端提升、成熟、无缝的单宁和持久、精致和优雅的余味。这是一款物有所值的美酒!2027-2055。 '
年份: 2022
瓶子尺寸: 750毫升
地区: 勃艮第|法国
生产者: Domaine Collotte
生产者: Domaine Collotte
Created in 1987, the Marsannay Villages appellation is a relatively new one in Burgundy but an ancient and well respected source of fine wine. Located on the southern outskirts of Dijon at the northern end of the Côte de Nuits, Marsannay missed out when the first Villages appellations were handed out in 1930. But it wasn’t because the terroir was deemed inferior. It was simply that there was very little Chardonnay or Pinot Noir planted.
The Collottes have been grape growers in Marsannay for four generations, but it wasn’t until 1981 that a young, 16 year-old Philippe Collotte bottled the first wine under the name of Domaine Collotte. He subsequently purchased some mature vineyards of about 40 years of age in both Gevrey-Chambertin and Chambolle-Musigny, to further expand the domaine’s repertoire.
In 2013 Philippe was joined by his daughter Isabelle, who had just completed her viticulture and oenology studies at the Lycée Viticole de Beaune. Whilst Isabelle focusses particularly on the production of the domaine’s white wines, there is no doubt that her addition to the team has helped refine the quality of the wines across the board. Today Domaine Collotte farms 17ha of vines (16ha currently in production) in Marsannay, Fixin, Gevrey-Chambertin and Chambolle-Musigny.
This a source of accomplished, stylish and very attractively priced Burgundy.